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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

For the Fiscal Year 2024. This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Blüm Health has taken, and is continuing to take, to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain. A. Organisational Structure, Business, and Supply Chains: Blüm Health is an innovative digital health consultancy and strategic delivery organisation, operating at the intersection of engineering, design, life science, and compliance expertise to create patient-centric healthcare solutions. Our operations include software design and development, providing consultancy services in regulatory advice, data protection, cyber security, and digital strategy, and supporting clients from discovery through to commercialisation and maintenance of digital health platforms. B. Policies: Blüm Health maintains a robust stance against modern slavery and human trafficking. We have implemented comprehensive policies that reflect our commitment to act ethically and with integrity across all our business activities and relationships. These include a Modern Slavery Policy, Employee Code of Conduct, and a Supplier Code of Conduct, which are designed to enforce compliance with anti-slavery principles among our employees and our supply chain partners. C. Due Diligence Processes: To identify and mitigate risk, Blüm Health undertakes rigorous due diligence processes, including the evaluation of our supply chain, regular compliance audits, and assessments of our business partners. We ensure that our partners align with our anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and maintain transparency in their operations. D. Risk and Compliance: Through our due diligence, we have determined that our supply chain's risk is mitigated by our role as a digital service provider, with less exposure to the industries typically at risk for slavery and human trafficking. However, we continually assess potential risks, particularly in the procurement of hardware and third-party services, and take appropriate steps to manage and mitigate any identified risks. E. Effectiveness: Our effectiveness in preventing modern slavery and human trafficking is evaluated through ongoing internal reviews, feedback from our compliance training programs, and the responsiveness of our reporting mechanisms. We utilise key performance indicators, such as supplier audit results and training completion rates, to measure our success in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking are not part of our business or supply chains. F. Training: Blüm Health provides specialised training to our employees to ensure a high level of understanding and awareness of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. We mandate this training for all new hires and annually for all staff, which includes identifying the signs of slavery and human trafficking and understanding how to report suspected cases.


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